
HomesteadCS’ Programs decrease foreclosure, increase homeownership, and ensure that families in our community have a safe, decent and affordable place to call home.

For Homeowners

For Potential Homeowners

For Renters

For Everyone

For Employers

Online Programs

HomeBuyer Education

This program covers such topics as managing money, understanding credit, house affordability, how to work with realtors and lenders, explanations of mortgage terms, types of loans, explanation of closing costs, what to watch out for in buying a home, how to keep your home, home maintenance, working with contractors, and being a good neighbor. Some federal loan and down payment programs require these classes.

Two options to choose from:

Framework: $75.00 non-refundable registration fee. CLICK HERE

eHome America: $99.00 non-refundable registration fee. CLICK HERE

eHome America HomeBuyer Education in Spanish

Nuestro curso de educación para compradores de vivienda está diseñado para ser un 8 horas en el curso online. Inscriben, paga, y tomar el curso como su tiempo lo permite, en su lugar y en su ritmo. Entrar y salir tantas veces como sea necesario.

Los temas cubiertos incluyen:

  • Está listo para comprar una casa
  • Administrar su dinero
  • Comprender el crédito
  • Conseguir un Préstamo Hipotecario
  • Comprar una casa
  • Cómo mantener su casa y gestión de sus finanzas

To register visit: Fees apply.

 Money Management

Formerly eHome Money, our Money Management course is the key to finding your way through today’s financial landscape. Learn practical ways to take control of your finances and bring you peace of mind about your financial future.

Topics covered include:

  • Savings
  • Spending
  • Debt
  • Financial Services
  • Credit and Credit Reporting
  • Credit Traps, Scams and Predatory Lending
  • Planning For Your Future

To register visit: Fees apply.